How to Feel Energized & Productive All Day Long (Part 2)

Ever had one of those days where 2 pm rolls around and you are ready to take a nap under your desk? Here are some tips to help keep you feeling productive and energized all day long.

PS – If you missed Part 1 of this article, find it here.

How to Boost Your Energy & Productivity Levels

6. Eat Enough Energy Boosting Nutrients (Iron, Folate, and Vitamin B12)


  1. Get 

Believe it or not, it’s not unusual for people to be mildly deficient in iron, folate or B12. Iron helps build red blood cells, which carries oxygen throughout the body. Folate and Vitamin B12 help convert the food you eat into useable energy for the body’s cells. Even a mild deficiency of these nutrients can make you feel fatigued, sluggish, and even weak throughout the day.

Make sure you get enough by consuming whole foods rich in these nutrients.

Top Food Sources 

1.    Red meat

2.    Beans and lentils

3.    Cooked dark green leafy vegetables

4.    Pumpkin seeds

5.    Unprocessed soy (tofu, edamame)

IronTop Food Sources Folate

1.    Dark green Vegetables

2.    Unprocessed soy (tofu, edamame)

3.    Beans and lentils

Top Food Sources B12

1.    Meats

2.    Dairy products

3.    Seafood

Before you decide to take a supplement, get your family doctor to do bloodwork to check your micronutrient levels. Most of the time, you can meet your iron, folate and Vitamin B12 needs through whole foods and don’t need to shell out the money for an expensive supplement.

7. Smile and Laugh


 When we are busy and overwhelmed with work and obligations, we often neglect our own mental health. Although there isn’t a lot of research on this topic, I don’t think anyone can deny that a good laugh with your friends and family is a great energy boost. Getting social and being silly is a small, easy way to recharge your batteries throughout the day. Tell a coworker about the hilarious movie you watched this weekend or call a friend after work to give them the play-by-play of a funny experience you had last week! Not only are you boosting your own mood and productivity, you’ll also probably make their day!

8. Keep It Light


Avoid large meals or high fat, calorie-dense foods throughout the day. Eating large meals means your body has to dedicate more energy to digestion.  While small amounts of healthy fats are a great way to slow down the digestion of food and make you feel fuller for longer, high-fat meals (like fast food) can make you feel sluggish and tired throughout the day because your body has to work really hard to digest them. To avoid feeling like you need to sleep off a greasy-fast-food-induced food coma, eat a light snack or meal with a small amount of healthy fat every 2-4 hours.

Here are some of our favourite light snacks with a little bit of healthy fat:

  • Small handful of almonds + an apple
  • Veggies + hummus
  • Small handful of mixed nuts + dried fruit
  • Grapes + cheese
  • Whole grain crackers + canned tuna

8. Don’t Overdo It on the Caffeine and Alcohol


Although caffeine can help you feel temporarily alert throughout the day, it can disturb your sleep patterns. It takes about 6 hours for half of the caffeine to be eliminated from your body, so if you drink too much or have it later in the day it can affect your ability to fall asleep and have a deep, restorative sleep. To reduce the effects of caffeine on your sleep patterns, consume less than 300-400 mg of caffeine per day (equal to about ~ 2-3 small coffees / day) and have your last coffee around 2pm at the latest.

Some people swear by the sedative effects of alcohol, but there’s more to the story than alcohol simply making you drowsy. Even though alcohol may help make you sleepy, over time it can disrupt sleep by interfering with the brain’s ability to regulate wakefulness and drowsiness. It also is a diuretic, meaning you probably have to interrupt your sleep more often to go to the bathroom during the night. Instead of using a nightcap to help get you ready for bed, try turning off your electronics and dimming your lights about 30 minutes to 1 hour before your normal bedtime.

10. Wake Up Early with a Purpose


The early bird really does get the worm. Studies show that people who wake up earlier in the morning are more proactive and productive during that time. It’s easier to be motivated to work earlier in the day, before you get busy with other things. This doesn’t mean you have to wake up at an ungodly hour every morning. Try slightly shifting your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up 30-60 minutes earlier than usual.

Although this list isn’t exhaustive, hopefully it will give you some ideas on how to make the most out of your day! Feeling alert and energized is crucial in being productive and accomplishing the tasks that you set out for yourself; not to mention it helps by just making you feel good throughout the day. Here’s to health, energy and goal crushing every day!

Wishing you health & happiness,


Jennifer Broxterman, MSc, RD
Registered Dietitian
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